I would like to once again rant on how crazy I am over a certian person.
I want nothing more than to have their attention. I feel if I did I could go so far in life. i'd accomplish so much. That when I look back I'd say that I lived.
But fuck everythig I do makes him dislike me more. I could tel that when I was hanging out with him and the girl he was sleeping with that it made him nervous. I just really wanted to hang out with him but me and the girl actually got a long so well. We'd do little things just to be annoying and girls. And because I'm still curious about what weed does to you I took 1 just 1 hit while I was around him and hadn't been drinking. becasue I just want to see how it feels. Then I'm good I don't need it. I know my bad adiction is alchol. I can handle alot of it so I drink more than other girls. But I just got told that he won't date a girl who smokes at all. and I smoked weed. ioufehirwojfepsajdalsj in front of him I remember he seemed pissy and walked away but still vfdwguhsiash GAHHHH fuckkk I WANT THIS KID SOO GODDAMN BAD. I don't know why. I feel like i'm going crazy. I have so much I want to say to him. Hes the only person I've felt that I needed this attention from. Like shit I sound nuts. so i'm gonna stop. but basically I want to have that kid so bad. But I'm deff just one of the bros now and down far away on the list. =/ shit son.
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