Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I feel great!

Latly i've had so much shit. but right now I'm just upupup!
hell i watched the guy i'm head over heels for try to get into the pants of another girl(which he hit that) 2days straight never lost it.
I am not making shit for money.
My phones off and broke
My jobs suck because I'm treated like shit.
But i feel strong. i feel more confident right now then ever.
My medical problems are all clearing up. although my ankle still hurts hahahh. rag finally hit. I've got energy.
I feel good. I have so much shit that should be bothering me and i'm just brushing it right off.
i'm not hungry. im eating less. i got a ddr pad and ive played for about 2-3 hours today and will continue.

fuck yes for today!!